
Application Procedure

Reasons for Refusals



Things to Avoid




Reasons for Refusals
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We pride ourselves at our exceptionally high success rate and watch our students one after another become successful in their aims. However, we do not perform magic and as we do not charge, we do not fabricate or pay a third party for a visa. All we do is make sure that the student fits all the visa requirements and that is all we need to do.



Refusals are common, but need not be as common as they are. Submitting your visa application correctly can make the difference between a visa and a visa refusal. It should be a question of luck but rather full satisfaction of the visa requirements. In this regard, it is importnat to note that different have different visa requirements and some are easier than others. You should not apply for a visa if you unable to satisfy the visa requirements.



Below are some of the major reasons for refusals which I hope will help you to understand what is required and how to avoid being refused.




Different countries have different visa requirements. You need to satisfy the requirements fully not mostly or partially. The major reason for refusal is when these conditions are not satisfied. For example when you are advised to show disposable funds in a 3 month bank statement, you cannot show sufficient funds for only a few days or weeks. Similarly when you are asked to show a particular figure, you cannot show less. In addition, you may be asked to show funds in a particular form ie in a bank statement and other forms of funds may not be accepted such as fixed deposits (many countries do accept them).  Furthermore, you may be advised of certain banks that will be accepted. You may be advised who the account may belong to. If you are applying for a student loan, you may be advised of a acceptable format and in whose name the laon should be. In fact there are many rules you have to satisfy and in some countries there are more rules than others. These rules vary from country to country and you should try to find out about the rules before applying.



Visa officers are highly experienced and highly trained. Although a small margin of wrong applications might be successful - for after all we are all human and can make mistakes - the majority of wrong applications will be caught out and refused. If your intention is other than to study, you should not apply for a visa. Please note also the terms and conditions of the institutes may be designed to deter such applications and in many cases you will not be entitled to a refund if you obtain a visa under false pretences. In any case, visa officers are so good at their jobs that the majority of applicants whose intentions are considered suspicious will never get a visa.



There are unfortunately still a very large number of young people who call themselves students but who make no effort to gain entry or to comply with institute and visa requirements. Quite often there is a language requirement, which some students try to avoid. Visa officers will consider this lack of effort as an indication that a applicant does not demonstrate any intention to study because it would be more logical to ensure that one is able to follow the course and pass before applying, particularly as studying overseas is quite costly. Applicants who do not make an affort to imporve their English or to research are probably not students.



Visa applicants need to prove what they are claiming. They need to prove their intentions, ability and financial means. The evidence must also be in the form accepted by the country to which an application is made. Visa officers do not need to prove anything. It is the onus of the applicant to furnish proof and to satisfy the visa officer. Lack of evidence will result in a refusal in most of the cases.



Visa officers are very wary of students trying to cross borders cheaply. If your financial commitment is small, then there is a highly likelihood that you do not intend to study as claimed in your visa application. Lack of committment results in visa refusals. It must added that a financial commitment to an agent does not constitute any commitment at all and that you should be committed to the institute where you propose to study.



Fabricated documents are a major concern to all visa officers and they are extra vigilant to identify them. Often  a bann is imposed if an applicant is caught with fabricated documents. Visa officers are highly experienced and highly trained. They understand proof and can easliy identify where fabrications have been made. You should not make an application with fabircated documents even if you believe you will be lucky and can can fool a visa officer because if you cannot afford to study you will be reported by the institute upon arrival and will have to remain in another country illegally. More importantly, in reality, you will probably not be lucky and will be refused and banned. Also even if you are lucky, remaining illegally in another country will cause a great of unnecessary suffering and misery. You will not be able to work everywhere - only illegally. You will not be paid a minimum wage and will be highly exploited. You will not be able to maintain a bank account and if you fall ill you may be caught out via the health service. If you do not comply for a visa, submitting fabricated documents is not a solution and is very unwise. In most cases this will result in you getting refused and banned and in a very small number of cases, it may result in a visa, but will cause a great deal of unnecesary suffering.



IF YOU GO BACK TO THE STEP BY STEP APPLICATION PROCESS YOU WILL NOTICE THIS IS THE FIRST THING YOU SHOULD DO. Lack of research suggests ill intentions because genuine students should research to find the best institute suited to their needs and ability. If you have not researched, a visa officer will be suspicious of your intentions. Research is very important because you cannot physically see or visit an institute before you apply and it is necessary to understand what you are getting for your money. It is the very first thing you should do before you even submit an application to an institute. Those who not research run the risk of refusal.



There are some institutes that have been set up to facilitate visa applications. Usually these are two room offices, which may be situated above a shop, which may be offering as many as 40 or 50 programmes. Visa officers are not stupid. They can easly identify that it is impossible to timetable so many courses in only two rooms. Even if there were many rooms, visa officers would consider why you are applying to an institute above or shop and even if the institute were situated elsewhere, visa officers would consider why you applying to a particular institute. More importantly they are aware of most of the visa institutes and will suspect intention if you applying to any of them. 



A third party sponsor is someone other than your parents or yourselves who will pay for your studies. In some countries, blood relatives such as a brother, sister, grandparents, uncle and aunt are not accepted. Third party sponsors can include these blood relatives in some other countries, but could include employers, friends etc. as well. However visa officers are conscerned that a student is dependent on a third party becasue he does not have financial means to cover his study costs on his own. Visa officers are also concerned that often such people who claim to intend to sponsor really does not do so. It must be emphasized that if you cannot afford to study overseas and if your sponsor is genuinely not going to help you then it is pointless applying. You will not be able to study, will be classified as an illegal immigrant shortly after you arrive and will be exploited and will suffer a great deal. Moreover often applications with thrid party sponsors will result in a refusal. Visa officers must be convinced that a third party has a genuine intention to support a student and require a very good reason for a third party to do so. In this regard beware that what you might believe to be a good reason may not be necessarily be believed as a good reason by a visa officer.



There is unfortunately a higher proportion of refusals than should really exist, but this is because quite a lot of people believe they can fool their way across. Often they are not aware of the sufferings that lie ahead of them if they succeed.  the truth, however, is that more often than not, they do not succeed in getting a visa. You should try to do things correctly if you really want to study and get a visa. It must be added that in the case of visa refusals that agents who charge do not make a loss. You should not gamble with your life and should not allow anyone else to do so. Also, even in the rare occassions where the wrong applicant gets a visa, the suffering that follows is not endured by the agent who profits even when an applicant is refused and even more when you are successful but have to suffer after arrival.




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