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FISC, Flinders University
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Flinders University enjoys a well-justifi ed reputation for excellence in teaching and research. We have a long-standing  commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for all.

Flinders University is focused on collaborative research and research training that makes a real difference in the world. It consistently ranks among Australia’s top universities on a per capita basis for research spending over the citation of our work in professional journals.


Key facts


Rate very highly in terms of employment - Graduates are recognised worldwide for their qualifications and the industry insights that they bringwith them.

Ranked as one of the world’s top 400 universities by the Shanghai Jiao Academic Ranking of World Universities (2014).

Renowned for strong international links with universities and research institutions across Asia, Europe and North and South America.


Member of the International Network of Universities (INU) and a founding member of Innovative Research Universities (IRU).

National centres for research situated on campus

Staff continue to win national awards for the quality of their teach.

Recent Achievements

SA Scientist of the Year 2013 Graeme Young 2012 Karen Reynolds.

Students satisfaction with the level of support ISB survey

About FISC



Flinders International Study Centre (FISC) is the official pathwya provider of Flinders University. By studying on campus students are welcomed as part of the University community, with access to the library, computing and campus facilities.

Flinders offers a wide range of opportunities to students seeking to further their knowledge, professional outlook and career development. In turn, your experiences, curiosity and willingness to challenge current thinking will help Flinders continue to be at the forefront of discussions in a diverse range of fi elds.


Why study at FISC ?,


A guaranteed place at Flinders University: The FISC Foundation Program gives you the opportunity to progress to a FISC Diploma or to the undergraduate degree of your choice at Flinders University*. Successful completion of the Diploma of Commerce or Diploma of Science program guarantees entry into Business and Commerce or selected Engineering degrees at FlindersUniversity, including a full year of credit.


Access to Flinders University facilities: As a FISC student you will have full access to Flinders University libraries, computing, health and sporting facilities. You will be part of an exciting and thriving community of students and can participate in the university’s student clubs and societies and relax at the food outlets on campus. Experience all the friendship, support and social opportunities that help make FISC such a great place to study.


Flexible study options: FISC offers a wide range of start dates and programs throughout the year to suit your timing, your  academic level and your planned university degree. 8 or 12 month options are available for Diploma or Foundation courses, with various intake dates to suit your needs. Additional tutorials are provided to assist you if you require extra help.

Two academic routes: Sucessful completion of the foundation programme leads to the 1st year of a degree whereas successful completion of the diploma (often known as year 1) leads to the 2nd year.

Foundation Programmes

Standard Foundation:


The Standard Foundation Program runs for 2 trimesters over 8 months. Students undertake a total of 9 units, consisting of 3 English units and 6 discipline based units. 5 units are taken in Trimester 1, and 4 units in Trimester 2. Students may change to
new subjects at the completion of their fi rst trimester provided they fulfi l any pre – requisites for those subjects. To attain satisfactory completion, participants are required to successfully complete English (units A, B and C) and 5 of 6 discipline units with grades of 50% or higher. Students must include any prerequisite subjects for Flinders University degrees or FISC diploma courses that they wish to study.


Extended Foundation Programme


The Extended Foundation Program runs for 3 trimesters over 12 months. Students undertake a total of 14 units, including
5 English units and 9 discipline based units. In the fi rst trimester, they study Preliminary English, plus 3 discipline
based subjects. In the second and third trimesters students undertake the Standard Foundation program.


Guranteed Progression


Successful graduates of the Foundation Program will be guaranteed entry into a range of undergraduate degrees at Flinders University. Entry is guaranteed upon meeting the necessary requirements including a specifi ed GPA, although a quota may be imposed for some programs . Eligible Foundation Program students who do not achieve the grades for direct entry to the university may enter the FISC Diploma of Commerce or Diploma of Science. Diploma graduates may then progress to a range of undergraduate degrees at Flinders University with 1 year of credit.

Diploma Programmes

Diploma of Commerce


The FISC Diploma of Commerce is a complete program combining detailed academic preparation with educational enrichment. Students are fully prepared for a Bachelor of Business or Commerce at Flinders University.


Progression: Higher Education Diplomas in Australia are similar to courses known in some countries as International Year 1 - an advanced, oneyear course of study equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate degree program. Diploma of Commerce students are guaranteed entry into a range of undergraduate degrees in the Flinders Business School upon achieving the necessary requirements. Students can enrol in the following degrees with 12 months of credit towards their studies: > Bachelor of Business > Bachelor of Business (Business Economics) > Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship) > Bachelor of Business
(Human Resource Management) > Bachelor of Business (International Business) > Bachelor of Business (Management) > Bachelor of Business (Marketing) > Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) > Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) > Bachelor of Commerce (Finance/Economics) > Bachelor of Commerce (Sustainability)


Diploma in Science

The FISC Diploma of Science is designed to provide graduates with comprehensive knowledge and a broad range of skills for entry into an Engineering degree at Flinders University.


Progression: On completion of the Diploma (known in some countries as International Year One), graduates will be skilled in comprehensive understanding, innovative thought, comprehensive research, teamwork and scientific written and oral  communication. Students will need to achieve pass levels of 50% in all eight units to successfully complete the Diploma. Satisfaction of requirements guarantees entry to selected undergraduate degree programs in the Engineering faculty at Flinders University including: > Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) > Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) > Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) > Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic) > Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) > Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics.

Pre Masters

Pre Masters in Business

The FISC Pre-Masters Business Program is designed specifically for international students who do not meet the academic or language requirements for direct entry to Flinders  Students can gain admission to a 1 semester or 2 semester programme of 14 weeks each depending on their IELTS.


Business School’s Master of Business.
The 1 or 2 semester program allows you to study undergraduate level Flinders Business School subjects, alongside English communication subjects, wholly preparing you for study at a Postgraduate level. By completing Flinders Business school subjects, you will enter your Masters programme with the same level of preparation and understanding as students who have completed a Flinders University undergraduate degree.


Progression: On successful completion of the FISC Pre-Masters Business Program, students will be guaranteed entry to the Flinders Business School’s Master of Business.


Master of Business: The Master of Business (MBus) offered by the Flinders Business School is designed for early and mid-career managers and professionals.


It provides a strong foundation in business knowledge, and develops the skills necessary for a successful management career in business, not-for-profit organisations and the public sector.


The Flinders Master of Business can be completed with or without specialisation. Specialisations include Finance, International Business, Tourism, Biotechnology, Health and Education.

Entry Requirements

Standard Foundation


English: IELTS 5.5 (no band less than 5.5)

Academic: Bangladesh: Assessment will be made on a case by case basis. It is possible to gain entry with Higher Secondary Certificate (year 11) with very good grades.


Extended Foundation


English: IELTS 5.0 (no band less than 5.0)

Academic: Bangladesh: Assessment will be made on a case by case basis. It is possible to gain entry with Higher Secondary Certificate (year 11) with very good grades.


Diploma of Commerce


English: IELTS 5.5 (no band less than 5.5)

Academic: Bangladesh: Assessment will be made on a case by case basis. It is possible to gain entry with Higher Secondary Certificate (year 12) with good grades.


Diploma of Science


English: IELTS 6.0 (no band less than 5.0)

Academic: Bangladesh: Assessment will be made on a case by case basis. It is possible to gain entry with Higher Secondary Certificate (year 12) with good grades. (maths compulsory, physics recommeded)


Pre Masters

English: 1 Semester IELTS 6.0 (no band less than 5.5), 2 Semesters IELTS 5.5 (no band less than 5.0)

Academic: A degree from Bangladesh


Dates and Fees

Start Dates:


October, February, June




Standard Foundation (8 months)


Extended Foundation (12 months)



Diploma of Commerce (8 or 12 month options available)



Diploma of Science (8 or 12 month options available)



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