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James Madison University
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James Madison University


Named after the fourth president and father of the U.S. Constitution,
JMU continues to embrace the same principles of leadership and the
pursuit of knowledge that James Madison championed while founding
the USA. “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” James Madison, the fourth President of the United States of America

James Madison University is a model of the Engaged University—
broadly involved with ideas, our community, and with the world.
Named after the Father of the U.S. Constitution and a great
statesman, our university is delighted to welcome international
students and is committed to making you feel at home ”
Jonathan R. Alger, J.D., M.B.A.President, James Madison University www.jmu

#3 Best Undergraduate Teaching
in its category – U.S. News & World
Report ‘Best Colleges 2013’
ᎰᎰ #16 best state university in the country
for graduation rates with a six-year
graduation at 82.5% – CBS MoneyWatch
ᎰᎰ #2 public university in the south
- U.S. News and World Report
ᎰᎰ #38 in '100 Best Buy Colleges',
a ranking of the top 15% of U.S.
universities - Forbes magazine
ᎰᎰ 80% of students complete an internship,
research or hands-on experience by the
time they graduate. Many complete
more than one.

More than 250employers visit campus each year hoping
to recruit JMU graduates.

{ytab}{tab title=Quick Facts}


Category: Public/State University
Location: Harrisonburg, Virginia, 2.5 hours from Washington D.C.
Campus: 2.8 km2
Founded: 1908
Student population:18,107 undergraduates,1,820 graduates
International student population:2.4%
Faculty to student ratio: 16:1
Average class size: 29
Accreditation: Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association
of Colleges and Schools and 25+ specialized accreditations for
academic programs including AACSB (business), ABET (engineering
and technology), NASAD (art and design), etc.
Colleges: College of Arts and Letters, College of Business, College
of Education, College of Health and Behavioral Studies. College of
Integrated Science and Engineering, College of Science and Mathematics,
College of Visual and Performing Arts, The Graduate School
Degree programs: 71 bachelor’s, 34 master’s, 2 educational specialist,
8 doctoral




Undergraduate Programmes

Business: Accounting, Computer Information, Systems Economics, Finance, Hospitality and Tourism Management, International Business
Management, Marketing, Quantitative Finance, Sport and Recreation
Communication: Communication Studies, Media Arts and Design, Writing, Rhetoricand Technical Communication
Education: Art Education, Dance Education, Elementary Education Inclusive Early Childhood Education, Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies
Middle Education,  Physical and Health Education,  Secondary Education
Special Education
Health and HumanServices: Athletic Training, Communication, Sciences andDisorders, Dietetics, Health Sciences, Health Services Administration
Kinesiology, Psychology, Social Work
Humanities and Social Sciences: Anthropology, Economics, English
Modern Foreign, Languages, History, International A_ airs, Justice Studies
Philosophy and Religion, Political Science, Psychology, Public Policy and
Administration, Sociology, Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical, Communication
Science, Technology and Engineering: Biology, Biophysical Chemistry
Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Engineering,
Geographic Science, Geology, Intelligence Analysis, Integrated Science
and Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics
Visual and Performing Arts: Art Studio, Art History, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Music, Theater and Dance  




Entry Requirements

Undergraduate International Foundation Year 1

2 Semester TOEFL iBT 70, IELTS 6.0 (no minimum bands),
or Password Test 6.0.
GPA 3.0 and above.*

3 Semester
TOEFL iBT 60, IELTS 5.5 (all bands),
or Password Test 5.5.
GPA 3.0 and above.*

EAP + 3 Semester
TOEFL iBT 45, IELTS 4.5 (all bands),
or Password Test 4.5.
GPA 3.0 and above.*








Dates and Prices






2-SEMESTER  $19,400

3-SEMESTER  $27,400

4-SEMESTER $33,700

University fees $2,100 per semester
Orientation fee (fall only) $190
Internet connection fee $70 per semester
JMU Student Insurance $1280 (12 months of coverage) $1920 (18 months of coverage)
On-campus accommodation and resident meal plan† $4,400 per semester
Airport transfer (optional)‡ $350 (private taxi); $160 (JMU shuttle)

Estimated Tuition + Living Cost 1st Year
International First Year (2 semesters) & degree progression $37,000





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