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USA Institutes in Partnership with Into
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USA Institutes in Partnership with INTO


INTO University partships is one of the leading education providers in the world with institutes in the UK, USA and China.


INTO University Partnerships was founded in 2005 and is chaired by Andrew Colin, who had previously set up Study Group International, an education business he sold to the Daily Mail Group, and Embassy CES, a chain of language schools. Since 2006, INTO has launched 20 joint ventures with a range of universities in the United Kingdom, North America and China.


INTO provides the marketing infrastructure, finance and specialist management experience to universities who are otherwise becoming increasingly funding starved. The joint venture focuses on providing pathway education to a large number of university degrees at both undergarduate and post graduate level. INTOs experience and network of agents throughout the world ensures that there are enough students. Universities benefit from gaining more qualified students without the requirement of additional infrusture and costs. Unlike other pathway providers INTO work in partnership with the unievrsities on a profit share basis. Direct entry is available through agents for qualified applicants.


Into University partnerships in the USA include the following:


INTO George Mason University   INTO Marshall University   INTO Oregon State University    INTO Drew University


INTO Colorado State University     Into University of South Florida     

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